Cures and Enhancements

by Carol C. Wheelock

Dear Carol,

Is it possible to have too many mirrors?
Sue M.

Dear Sue,

Yes, it is possible to have too many mirrors.

Mirrors are great in many situations. A mirror is a wonderful way to expand a space and/or to bring in light from the outside. A mirror can also be a beautiful decorative feature in a room.

It starts to be a problem when there are so many mirrors in a space that it almost feels as though you are in a fun house. When there is a feeling of confusion, then there are too many. If you can be easily startled by a mirror or the image that is in it (including yourself!), then take the mirror down. I've seen walls of mirrors that make you feel as though you are in many different pieces. A fragmented view of your physical self translates into a fragmented view of your inner self.

Look carefully at what is reflected in each mirror. Your whole head should be reflected, not just part of it. Remember that you get more of what you see. A mirror on a steep stairway will make the stairway feel much longer and steeper, leading to a feeling of struggle. Also, mirrors in dining rooms can be very uncomfortable to those whose images are reflected in the mirrors while eating.

Dear Carol,

What is the best kind of crystal to buy to enhance my prosperity area? Does it have to be on a nine-inch red string?
Sara J.

Dear Sara,

A lot depends on where you are going to hang it. A crystal that is hung in a window can be whatever shaped appeals to you. If it is to be hung from the ceiling, it is best to buy a round multi-faceted crystal because the energy gets dispersed evenly.

There are differing opinions as to whether or not a crystal must be hung on a nine-inch red string (or in increments of nine inches). I do not believe that it does. The strength of anything you do in feng shui is in the intention. You may feel that a red string is not what you want hanging in that particular space. If that is the case, then every time you look at the red string you will get a little negative jab. That will not support you and is not helpful. On the other hand, if you want to see a nine-inch red string, then go for it!

Dear Carol,

What is the best cure for my relationship area, which is in our filled garage?
Janet and Greg

Dear Janet and Greg,

For those who may not know, the relationship area is in the back right corner of a space. This is based on the bagua, the template or grid that is superimposed upon any space, indicating which spaces correspond with which areas of life. Feng shui is not just about your space; it is also about your life.

It is not uncommon to have a relationship area in a garage, bathroom, etc. It is where it is and the idea is to make it the best it can be. The first thing to do is balance the energy flow. This means removing any energy blocks, which means clearing the clutter. As you do this, remember that you are doing it to make room for a healthy (or healthier) relationship.

Then have some fun with the space. Find a poster that has a pair of animals or something else depicting a couple and hang it on your garage wall. Red, pink, and white are good colors for the relationship area. That doesn't mean you have to paint the whole garage one of those colors. You could, however, paint one wall or put some thing that is one or all of those colors on the wall. You could even hang a photo of yourselves.

Remember that the bagua can be applied to a room, too. Look carefully at the whole master bedrrom, as it is symbolic of your relationship. Give special consideration to the relationship area in that room. Balance the energy flow by removing clutter and covering sharp edges. Do put in any items that are symbolic of the relationship to you. Avoid single images, single candlesticks, and other single objects. Think in pairs.

Dear Carol,

Where is the best place to put a water fountain?
Sam G.

Dear Sam,

Water features are associated with the career area, which is the center front section of any space. They are especially wonderful to use in entrances that are in this section of the bagua. Or consider putting one in the career area of your office.

Since water is also associated with the prosperity area (back left), this is another good place for a water fountain. You could even add a few coins to it.

Although there are many beautiful water fountains on the market, it is very easy to make one. Find a container that you like, buy a pump at a garden or pet store, and fill the container with some of your favorite rocks, crystals, and/or shells. Be sure to keep it filled with distilled water.

Remember to do this or any other enhancement with intention. Be clear about why you are doing it, visualize the desired results, and invoke it somehow.

Carol C. Wheelock, M.Ed. of Feng Shui Vermont is a certified feng shui practitioner who has studied in the United Sates and China. She practices Black Sect or western feng shui. Carol does private consultations for homes, schools, libraries, and businesses; clutter counseling and clearing; spaces clearings; phone consultations; presentations; and teaches workshops throughout the United States. She also does personal clearings.

Copyright � 2000-2011 Feng Shui Vermont
Carol C. Wheelock